Cup Head analysis

1. Actions
What you as the player can do
•kill enemies
•collect coins
•charged attack
•revive parry
•drop through ledges

2. Rules
Actions are governed by rules. What you can and cannot do
•can't shoot in the overworld
•being hit by and enemy removes one health
•some enemies actively attack the player, some passively do damage
•the players cannot hit eachother
•players start with 3 health
•players respawn with 1 health
•parrying give the special attack
•blue blob boys don't die
•the players loose when both players die
•players can only parry on pink objects

3. Goals
The things you're trying to achieve using the actions and the rules
•progress through the level
•take as little damage as possible
•kill the bosses
•collect coins
•collect the souls
•upgrade the players powers and abilities
•revive teammate

4. Objects
Everything that the player interacts with in the gane. Power ups, health, enemies.
•enemies (flower man, red mushroom, acorn bombs, blue blob boy, spikey ball)
•pink objects
•finish with the fastest time
•get a high score with the most lives, coins, and fastest time

5. Play space
The environment within the game and the environmental space around the players
•pattern based enemies
•latteral progression
•class full of people
•paralax animations of the background
•high speed
•dangerous level
•early 1930s animation
•2D levels 2.5D overworld
•hectic level design

6. Players
What kind of player has this game been designed for?
•people who enjoy difficult platformers
•people who can learn the patterns
•persistent people
•co-op players that aren't afraid to leave the other player for dead
•the people who got the furthest ingnored most of the enemies and focused on getting to the end of the level


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